Trigger Warning:
There is discussion of being stood up, loneliness, the lost of a friend, growing older, death, fear of policemen, and enjoying life while you still can.
Adult Content:
There is lots of adult content in this play as the women discuss mature topics at bridge night. Topics include; sex, men, drinking, smoking, death, and so much more.
Sexual Content:
There is quite a bit of sexual content in the play. Most of it revolves around an unexpected surprise from a stripper and within topics of discussion from the women during bridge night.
Total Word Counts – Stupid 5X, Oh my god 3X, Psycho 2X, Ass 7X, Asshole 4X, Hell 7X, Damned 1X, Damn 4X, Dummy 2X, Embecile 1X, Tight-Ass 2X, Bastard 1X, Jerk 3X, Bullcrap 2X, Crap 4X, Neanderthal 1X, B*tch 3X, B*tchy 1X, Nincompoop 1X, Orgy 2X, Sexy 1X, Jesus 1X, Sucker 1X, Idiot 1X, Butt 1X, Hoo-hoo 3X, Loser 1X, Lush 2X, and Trailer trash 1X
Leona smacks Mille. There is no real violence in this play.
Loud Noises:
There is a slamming of books. No other loud noises in this play.
There is partial nudity in this play. Bobby strips, revealing his banana sling bikini.