The Studio Theatre Tierra Del Sol
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theseshininglives Poster
Preview: MAR 28-30, 2023
Opening: MAR 31, 2023
Closing: APR 29, 2023
ASL Performance: APR 18, 2023

$15 Preview Performances
$35 Performances

Estimated run time, 90mins, no intermission

These Shining Lives
by Melanie Marnich

Based on the true story of the spirited women who worked at the Radium Dial Company

In 1922 Catherine joins Charlotte, Frances, and Pearl to work at the Radium Dial Company in Ottawa, Illinois. They are hired to paint glow-in-the-dark watch faces with the newly discovered element, radium. The company pays by the watch, encouraging them to be as efficient as possible while disregarding potential risks. Over the next decade, mysterious problems arise that threaten their health. Bonded by years of friendship, they decide to fight against the corporation that kept them in the dark about the true risks of working with a radioactive material. Based on the true story of the "Radium Girls", These Shining Lives shares their spirit, energy, and verve. Moving but never dreary, this lovely imaginative play tells their story of persistence, friendship, and justice that inspired lasting change.

cast image Full cast and production credits listed below!


sexual content
advisory scale 2 of 6
adult content advisory
advisory scale 1 of 6

Trigger Warning:
Men don't listen to women’s concerns. A company shows disregard for human life.
advisory scale 2 of 6 Sexual Content: A married couple kisses, touches each other playfully and consensually

advisory scale 1 of 6 Adult Content: There are medical descriptions throughout. Characters drink alcohol from a flask. Characters talk about chronic pain/radium poisoning. There is a brief mention of bone removal, amputation (not shown). Characters talk about smoking.

Seating Chart

seating chart
*There is no late seating or re-seating at The Studio Theatre. This is for your safety and the safety of the performers.



Catherine Donohue Ashleigh Ann Gardner
Charlotte / Reporter #1 Clare Lopez
Frances / Reporter #2 / Official Robin Dunavant
Pearl / Daughter / Judge 2 Cayla L. Jones
Tom Donohue / Dr. Rowntree / Dr. Dalitsch Joe Metcalf
Mr. Reed / Radio Announcer / Company Doctor / Son / Judge / Leonard Grossman Kevin Kelly*
U/S Catherine / Pearl Kimberly DiPersia
U/S Charlotte / Frances Leslie Becker
U/S Tom Donohue / Mr. Reed Marc Lucia

Production & Design Team

PRODUCERJason Goedken
DIRECTORNathaniel Niemi
Dramaturgy / Assistant Stage Manager Stephanie Bezio
Set Designer / Props Designer / Set Dressing Joshua E. Gallagher
Costume Designer Kristen Taylor
Lighting Designer / Lead Electrician Collin Hall
Lighting Director Mason Shell
Original Music / Sound Designer Alexander Sovronsky
Audio System Designer Luke Bezio
Projections / Audio Programmer Amanda Nipper
Director of Production Danielle Paccione
Technical Director Clayton Becker
Company Manager / Videographer Ryan Loeckel
Production Manager Leslie Becker
Stage Manager Madison Youngblood
Swing Stage Manager Grace Zottig
Lead Carpenter Alison Scharvella
Literary and Casting Associate Jordan Gregson
Senior Marketing Coordinator Taylor Adkins
Marketing Associate Olivia Williamson
The Studio Theatre House Manager Alec Speers
Assistant House Manager Nichole Pollack
Assistant House Manager Mark Kirschenbaum

*Denotes member of Actors Equity