Trigger Warning:
Characters discuss a baby who has died (the mother works as a wet nurse for another baby; the discussion is focused on grief associated with losing a child, but is not graphic in nature)
Adult Content:
Brief mention of electrocuting an animal (played for humor). A baby is nursed several times throughout the play.
Sexual Content:
Many sounds of orgasms throughout (not pornographic). Manual genital manipulation is used as a medical treatment (not explicitly shown). A vibrator is used as a medical device throughout (not explicitly shown). A woman attempts to seduce her husband. Some breasts are exposed. Some characters kiss. A married couple makes love, partially undressed. Although this play deals with sexuality and desire, no genitalia are shown at any point during this production.
There are no commonly used swear words. Alienating language (approx. once each): "darkie", "colored", "negro", "the help"